Макс Штепа
  • Created a company, which is now building other companies, from scratch.
  • Started his career in investment banking and corporate finance. This experience helped him found SKELAR in 2015.
  • In 5 years, he plans to launch ten Ukrainian product companies.
  • Kicks off the day with morning HIIT workouts before work.
Co-founder, Head of Finance & Legal
Валерій Гладкий
  • Develops first-class infrastructure, services, and competitive benefits for SKELAR businesses.
  • Joined the team in 2018. Built financial and legal teams (with more than 30 specialists) in 3 different jurisdictions (USA, Cyprus, Ukraine).
  • Started his career in investment banking and raised more than $500 million in financing in Ukraine. Received an MBA from IE Business School. Advised banks in the CEE region as part of PwC. Created a B2B direction of agritech within a public company with a listing in Warsaw.
Co-founder, Head of Strategy and Vision
Кирило Бондарєв
  • Joined SKELAR as a Junior Analyst in 2014 when it was a small startup.
  • Made his way from Junior analyst to Chief Product Officer. At that time, we were an IT company with one product, which Kyrylo helped to bring to life.
  • When SKELAR began its transformation into a Venture Builder, he decided to continue his career path in the role of Chief Vision Officer and is now engaged in strategic corporate management.
Владислав Івченко
  • Helps service team leaders build an efficient infrastructure for the development of new unicorns.
  • Implements large-scale projects to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
  • Worked in the advertising business for 10 years, where he made his way from a PR trainee to the CEO of one of the largest performance marketing agencies in Ukraine.
of Recruitment
Катерина Сергієнко
  • Strengthens the business by hiring cool professionals and manages a team of 21 recruiters and sourcers.
  • By education, she is a simultaneous translator.
  • She started her career as a Project Management Officer at Luxoft, and in 2017 she changed her field and started her journey in IT recruiting from scratch.
Founder & CEO
of Howly
В'ячеслав Мацьков
  • Gathered a powerful team and together with it is building a global platform for online consultations.
  • Studied at Kyiv School of Economics, IE Business School, and CFA Institute. He started his career in finance and worked in such companies as KPMG, Concorde Capital, Horizon Capital. He also advised global companies in France, Germany, Nigeria, Kenya and Ukraine as part of the McKinsey team.
  • From consulting, he dove into the world of technology as the director of analytics and product at a Californian startup.
Founder & CEO
of StoryBy
Artem Kutukov
  • Built and continues to develop an ecosystem of modern publishing, where the popularity of a book is not determined by the publishing house, but by the readers only. Within a year, AlphaNovel was ranked among the top twenty apps in the Books category, beating out Amazon Kindle.
  • Studied at KPI and received an engineering education.
  • Joined the company as an Android Developer.
  • Launched more than 12 pet-related projects and one offline business. Knows exactly how to assemble an all-star team and create an MVP that is easy to scale.
of Trible
Сергій Богословський
  • Creates a platform for Knowledge Creators, which will help them to monetize their audience through the creation of their own application or site.
  • Started his career in analytics: financial, business, and sales.
  • He started entrepreneurship while still at school - at the age of 17, he opened a tire shop in Kyiv with a friend.
  • Before the creation of Trible, he managed to launch many projects and even made several successful exits. All this before turning 25!
Co-founder & COO Trible
Олександр Мацюк
  • Будує напрями Sales, Support, Customer Success та Content.
  • Навчався у Швейцарії на програмі Masters in Management, яку 12 років поспіль видання Financial Times визнає найкращою у світі.
  • На початку кар’єри працював зі стартапом InflightVR у Барселоні, венчурними інвестиціями в Motu Ventures у Берліні, а згодом приєднався до TA Ventures в Україні.
Founder & CEO
of Brighterly
Євген Кашук
  • Develops an EdTech start-up for learning mathematics and aims to make education for children aged 5 to 15 in the US market easier, more accessible, and more fun.
  • Studied Finance at KNEU. Made his way from the position of Customer Support and Marketer to Founding CEO.
  • Before SKELAR, he managed to launch and successfully sell two of his own IT businesses in EdTech and Digital Marketing.
Founder & CEO
of Relatio
  • Together with the team, he is building a relationship advice platform for maintaining harmonious relationships between people.
  • He started his career simultaneously in FMCG as an analyst and in the furniture business.
  • Before creating Relatio, he started 2 heavy-ops businesses and exited one of them. He has extensive experience building from scratch and managing complex B2B companies.
  • He studied systematic analysis of financial markets at Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
  • Leader of the team that creates solutions for the social discovery niche. TENTENS Tech develops platforms used by tens of millions of users on every continent except Antarctica (for now).
  • He joined SKELAR as a Data Analyst in 2016 (when Georgiy was 19 years old). In 4 years, he was leading a company with 100+ employees.
  • Before SKELAR, he interned at Microsoft and was a participant in international mathematics olympiads.
Макс Штепа
  • Created a company, which is now building other companies, from scratch.
  • Started his career in investment banking and corporate finance. This experience helped him found SKELAR in 2015.
  • In 5 years, he plans to launch ten Ukrainian product companies.
  • Kicks off the day with morning HIIT workouts before work.
Co-founder, Head of Finance & Legal Department
Валерій Гладкий
  • Develops first-class infrastructure, services, and competitive benefits for SKELAR businesses.
  • Joined the team in 2018. Built financial and legal teams (with more than 30 specialists) in 3 different jurisdictions (USA, Cyprus, Ukraine).
  • Started his career in investment banking and raised more than $500 million in financing in Ukraine. Received an MBA from IE Business School. Advised banks in the CEE region as part of PwC. Created a B2B direction of agritech within a public company with a listing in Warsaw.
Co-founder, Head of Strategy and Vision Department
Кирило Бондарєв
  • Joined SKELAR as a Junior Analyst in 2014 when it was a small startup.
  • Made his way from Junior analyst to Chief Product Officer. At that time, we were an IT company with one product, which Kyrylo helped to bring to life.
  • When SKELAR began its transformation into a Venture Builder, he decided to continue his career path in the role of Chief Vision Officer and is now engaged in strategic corporate management.
Director of Operations
Владислав Івченко
  • Helps service team leaders build an efficient infrastructure for the development of new unicorns.
  • Implements large-scale projects to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
  • Worked in the advertising business for 10 years, where he made his way from a PR trainee to the CEO of one of the largest performance marketing agencies in Ukraine.
People Operations Director
Вероніка Кавка
  • Built process for recruiting, HR, internal communications and business administration from scratch. Currently, 97% of candidates accept offers, and 94% successfully pass the first performance review.
  • Worked over 10 years in talent management.
  • She started her career by launching an outsourcing call center and was the first in Ukraine to introduce online MBA programs.
Head of
Катерина Сергієнко
  • Strengthens the business by hiring cool professionals and manages a team of 21 recruiters and sourcers.
  • By education, she is a simultaneous translator.
  • She started her career as a Project Management Officer at Luxoft, and in 2017 she changed her field and started her journey in IT recruiting from scratch.
Founder & CEO Howly
В'ячеслав Мацьков
  • Gathered a powerful team and together with it is building a global platform for online consultations.
  • Studied at Kyiv School of Economics, IE Business School, and CFA Institute. He started his career in finance and worked in such companies as KPMG, Concorde Capital, Horizon Capital. He also advised global companies in France, Germany, Nigeria, Kenya and Ukraine as part of the McKinsey team.
  • From consulting, he dove into the world of technology as the director of analytics and product at a Californian startup.
Founder & CEO AlphaNovel
Artem Kutukov
  • Built and continues to develop an ecosystem of modern publishing, where the popularity of a book is not determined by the publishing house, but by the readers only. Within a year, AlphaNovel was ranked among the top twenty apps in the Books category, beating out Amazon Kindle.
  • Studied at KPI and received an engineering education.
  • Joined the company as an Android Developer.
  • Launched more than 12 pet-related projects and one offline business. Knows exactly how to assemble an all-star team and create an MVP that is easy to scale.
Founder & CEO Trible
Сергій Богословський
  • Creates a platform for Knowledge Creators, which will help them to monetize their audience through the creation of their own application or site.
  • Started his career in analytics: financial, business, and sales.
  • He started entrepreneurship while still at school - at the age of 17, he opened a tire shop in Kyiv with a friend.
  • Before the creation of Trible, he managed to launch many projects and even made several successful exits. All this before turning 25!
Co-founder & COO Trible
Олександр Мацюк
  • Будує напрями Sales, Support, Customer Success та Content.
  • Навчався у Швейцарії на програмі Masters in Management, яку 12 років поспіль видання Financial Times визнає найкращою у світі.
  • На початку кар’єри працював зі стартапом InflightVR у Барселоні, венчурними інвестиціями в Motu Ventures у Берліні, а згодом приєднався до TA Ventures в Україні.
Founder & CEO Brighterly
Євген Кашук
  • Develops an EdTech start-up for learning mathematics and aims to make education for children aged 5 to 15 in the US market easier, more accessible, and more fun.
  • Studied Finance at KNEU. Made his way from the position of Customer Support and Marketer to Founding CEO.
  • Before SKELAR, he managed to launch and successfully sell two of his own IT businesses in EdTech and Digital Marketing.
Founder & CEO DoggyPlan
Дмитро Іванов
  • Created and keeps upgrading a product for dog owners who are looking to train and care for their pets.
  • Began his career as a marketer in an advertising agency, and in 2010 he became the head of it.
  • Before founding DoggyPlan, he built SKELAR’s marketing strategy from scratch as CMO.
Макс Штепа
  • Created a company, which is now building other companies, from scratch.
  • Started his career in investment banking and corporate finance. This experience helped him found SKELAR in 2015.
  • In 5 years, he plans to launch ten Ukrainian product companies.
  • Kicks off the day with morning HIIT workouts before work.
Валерій Гладкий
  • Develops first-class infrastructure, services, and competitive benefits for SKELAR businesses.
  • Joined the team in 2018. Built financial and legal teams (with more than 30 specialists) in 3 different jurisdictions (USA, Cyprus, Ukraine).
  • Started his career in investment banking and raised more than $500 million in financing in Ukraine. Received an MBA from IE Business School. Advised banks in the CEE region as part of PwC. Created a B2B direction of agritech within a public company with a listing in Warsaw.
Кирило Бондарєв
  • Joined SKELAR as a Junior Analyst in 2014 when it was a small startup.
  • Made his way from Junior analyst to Chief Product Officer. At that time, we were an IT company with one product, which Kyrylo helped to bring to life.
  • When SKELAR began its transformation into a Venture Builder, he decided to continue his career path in the role of Chief Vision Officer and is now engaged in strategic corporate management.
Владислав Івченко
  • Helps service team leaders build an efficient infrastructure for the development of new unicorns.
  • Implements large-scale projects to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
  • Worked in the advertising business for 10 years, where he made his way from a PR trainee to the CEO of one of the largest performance marketing agencies in Ukraine.
Founder & CEO
В'ячеслав Мацьков
  • Gathered a powerful team and together with it is building a global platform for online consultations.
  • Studied at Kyiv School of Economics, IE Business School, and CFA Institute. He started his career in finance and worked in such companies as KPMG, Concorde Capital, Horizon Capital. He also advised global companies in France, Germany, Nigeria, Kenya and Ukraine as part of the McKinsey team.
  • From consulting, he dove into the world of technology as the director of analytics and product at a Californian startup.
Founder & CEO
Artem Kutukov
  • Built and continues to develop an ecosystem of modern publishing, where the popularity of a book is not determined by the publishing house, but by the readers only. Within a year, AlphaNovel was ranked among the top twenty apps in the Books category, beating out Amazon Kindle.
  • Studied at KPI and received an engineering education.
  • Joined the company as an Android Developer.
  • Launched more than 12 pet-related projects and one offline business. Knows exactly how to assemble an all-star team and create an MVP that is easy to scale.
Сергій Богословський
  • Creates a platform for Knowledge Creators, which will help them to monetize their audience through the creation of their own application or site.
  • Started his career in analytics: financial, business, and sales.
  • He started entrepreneurship while still at school - at the age of 17, he opened a tire shop in Kyiv with a friend.
  • Before the creation of Trible, he managed to launch many projects and even made several successful exits. All this before turning 25!
Co-founder & COO Trible
Олександр Мацюк
  • Будує напрями Sales, Support, Customer Success та Content.
  • Навчався у Швейцарії на програмі Masters in Management, яку 12 років поспіль видання Financial Times визнає найкращою у світі.
  • На початку кар’єри працював зі стартапом InflightVR у Барселоні, венчурними інвестиціями в Motu Ventures у Берліні, а згодом приєднався до TA Ventures в Україні.
Founder & CEO
Євген Кашук
  • Develops an EdTech start-up for learning mathematics and aims to make education for children aged 5 to 15 in the US market easier, more accessible, and more fun.
  • Studied Finance at KNEU. Made his way from the position of Customer Support and Marketer to Founding CEO.
  • Before SKELAR, he managed to launch and successfully sell two of his own IT businesses in EdTech and Digital Marketing.
  • Leader of the team that creates solutions for the social discovery niche. TENTENS Tech develops platforms used by tens of millions of users on every continent except Antarctica (for now).
  • He joined SKELAR as a Data Analyst in 2016 (when Georgiy was 19 years old). In 4 years, he was leading a company with 100+ employees.
  • Before SKELAR, he interned at Microsoft and was a participant in international mathematics olympiads.
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